Bill: | A2080 AcaSa (2R) |
Sponsors: | Mukherji (D33); Pintor Marin (D29); Eustace (D38) +5 |
Summary: | Authorizes municipalities to establish program for public or private financing of certain renewable and energy efficiency, microgrid,conservation, and storm resiliency projects through the use of voluntary special assessments for certain property owners. |
Related: | 2016:S1570; 2014:A2579; 2014:S1510; 2012:A3898; 2012:S2632 |
History: | 01/27/2016 – Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee. 06/20/2016 – Transferred to Assembly Appropriations Committee. Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Assembly. 06/27/2016 – Passed in Assembly 64-11-3. 06/30/2016 – Received in Senate w/o committee reference, 2nd reading in Senate. 12/07/2017 – Amended on Senate floor, 2nd reading in Senate 27-0. |
Position: | Monitor |
Priority: | FLAG |
Bill: | A3047 |
Sponsors: | Andrzejczak (D1); Taliaferro (D3); Land (D1); Space (R24); Dancer (R12) +2 |
Summary: | Creates viticulture trail tourist directional signs. |
Related: | 2016:S2127; 2014:A4368 |
History: | 02/16/2016 – Introduced and referred to Assembly Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. 06/15/2017 – Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Assembly. 12/07/2017 – Passed in Assembly 69-0-0. |
Scheduled: | 12/11/2017 – Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation Committee, 1:00p, 2nd Floor, Committee Room 7, Annex. (Revised 12/08/2017) |
Position: | Monitor |
Priority: | FLAG |
Bill: | A4948 |
Sponsors: | Houghtaling (D11); Andrzejczak (D1); Taliaferro (D3) |
Summary: | Clarifies certain responsibilities of licensed wineries and retail salesrooms. |
Related: | 2016:S3368 |
History: | 06/05/2017 – Introduced and referred to Assembly Regulatory Oversight Committee. 06/19/2017 – Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Assembly. 12/07/2017 – Passed in Assembly 70-2-1. |
Position: | Monitor |
Bill: | A4949 |
Sponsors: | Houghtaling (D11); Taliaferro (D3); Andrzejczak (D1) +1 |
Summary: | Authorizes temporary waiver from requirement that farm winery use NJ grown fruit. |
Related: | 2016:S3369 |
History: | 06/05/2017 – Introduced and referred to Assembly Regulatory Oversight Committee. 06/19/2017 – Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Assembly. 12/07/2017 – Passed in Assembly 67-0-1. |
Position: | Monitor |
Bill: | S1570 ScaSa (2R) |
Sponsors: | Smith, B (D17); Bateman (R16) |
Summary: | Authorizes municipalities to establish program for public or private financing of certain renewable and energy efficiency, microgrid conservation, and storm resiliency projects through use of voluntary special assessments for certain property owners. |
Related: | 2016:A2080; 2014:A2579; 2014:S1510; 2012:A3898; 2012:S2632 |
History: | 02/16/2016 – Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee. 06/16/2016 – Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Senate. 12/07/2017 – Amended on Senate floor, 2nd reading in Senate 28-0. |
Position: | Monitor |
Priority: | FLAG |
Bill: | SCR173 |
Sponsors: | Greenstein (D14); Bell (D2) |
Summary: | Urges President Trump to rescind executive order authorizing offshore oil and natural gas drilling. |
Related: | 2016:ACR238 |
History: | 12/07/2017 – Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee. |
Position: | Monitor |
Priority: | FLAG |